Ready to dedicate 6 months to building a solid AF business and to EXPAND beyond 

$20K months?

Results-proven strategies, BIG cash frequencies & high touch expert coaching

Welcome to the #1 mastermind for entrepreneur women expanding their business beyond their current plateau and building an “in demand” brand.

It’s likely you’ve already built something you’re proud of but it’s been messy, too messy (both BTS and front of house).

Imagine instead YOU being totally nourished through your business while also fully enjoying your peace, your partner, your health and your family.

With the right support - the level of support only found in long term containers - you can have it all.

This is Embodied Business!

Claim Your Spot Now

Hey Beautiful,

I know you’ve been sitting on your core offering for a while now… 

And somehow it’s just not hitting the mark. 

You know you want to create more… 

You know you desire to hold your clients more powerfully yet working 1:1 isn’t it and business seems to constantly feel like you’re in a feast and famine cycle. 

You’re hitting the $20K months but it feels like sooo much effort to maintain…

It’s exhausting.

Launch after launch feels like a drag and your nervous system is sick of picking itself back up off the floor everytime you have to go again…

You're stuck between knowing you have the perfect tools for your craft and trying to nail THE right strategy to make your business click into place. 

You’re fighting to adopt THE right mindset for success.

You’ve gone through many courses in search of THE right tactic hoping something will stick and shift your income into those big and stable numbers.

The vibe is rigid and honestly, it’s just not working.

You are suffering. Your health, your relationships, your ability to enjoy life has been put on the back burner and you cannot quite figure out how to allow yourself to truly experience it all.



And you're here now because there is a part of you that already knows there is another way.

Whilst you’re sitting here stressing over “what is my point of difference” I want to remind you YOU ARE YOUR POINT OF DIFFERENCE.

Your frequency and way of being is what calls your clients in.

Now we get to allow you to monetise it in a way that creates ease and allows your nervous system to relax!

Building a high cash and high impact business is multifaceted but it all starts with your leadership and who you be as a business woman.

I want to show you a new way of being in business so you can embody your model of business, the one that will best serve what you wish to bring forward in the world.

Holding your business and your clients in this state of EMBODIMENT means you get to go first!

It’s time to remove the hustle, plug draining energy leaks, clean up your tech, call in your tribe of sisters and build a joyful embodied business that can grow with you!

Sneak a peek! Here is what you’ll do inside of Embodied Business

✓ Build a clear strategy that works for you, so you know where you are always at in your business

✓ Uplevel your relationship with money and clear any karmic debts

✓ Integrate your healthy masculine & feminine energy for EMBODIED LEADERSHIP

✓ Reclaim your power & direction inside your business

✓ Regulate your nervous system and recalibrate for success & reclaim your health

✓ Understand your success blueprint and how to fast track success in a way that is  energetically aligned

✓ Understand where your shadow runs the show and how to lead with love

✓ Step into your next quantum leap EMBODYING FEMININE LEADERSHIP


6 Month Mastermind

What will you receive?

✓ Bi-weekly Energetic Masterclasses

✓ Bi-Weekly LIVE coaching calls on zoom- yes these are separate to the Masterclasses!

✓ Embodied Business Resource library

✓ ME as your PERSONAL coach for the entire 6 months

✓ Bi Weekly Marketing coaching Calls

✓ Monthly Tech Coaching calls with our Tech Guru 

✓ Monthly Breathwork/ somatic Release workshops

✓ Access to an INCREDIBLE community of inspirational women, committed to their leadership!

✓ Quarterly Group Strategy Session

✓ World Class Guest Speakers

Claim your spot today

Want More?
Become a VIP and get:

All of the ABOVE +

✓ Bi-Weekly LIVE  intimate group coaching calls on zoom

✓ Monthly Money Meetings with our in-house Financial Advisor 

✓ 2 Day IN-Person Immersion Experience

✓ 1 day Group Branding Photoshoot Experience

*Please note we only have limited VIP positions so if you're wanting to say yes to this, jump in now!

If paid for individually this is worth over = $85,000 AUD

Case, I want to be a VIP

If you're needing to chat to me (Case) personally before making a big decision like this to ensure this is the right fit for you, please go ahead and book a call in directly here.


 I want you to know you are FULLY supported in your decision making process!


Book A Discovery Call

"I've worked with other business coaches and experienced very minor shifts in my business. However, from the very start with Case I just knew that she was a long-term business coach for me. Not only does she support you in creating a strong business structure, but she is also a master at helping you understand and shifting the energetic blocks so you can get really clear on creating the highest vision and implementing the business you most desire.

So if you're looking for a coach who is compassionate and wise, yet will push you when you need it and hold up a mirror to the areas that are getting in your way with loving kindness then Case is the coach for you and I couldn't recommend her enough.

Casey's coaching has had a transformative impact on my business. I've gained structure, clarity, direction, and confidence, leading to increased client alignment and growth. Casey's compassion, empathy, and ability to push me when needed have made me feel empowered and free to pursue my business goals. I'm grateful for the positive impact Casey has had on my business and personal life. Thank you for all that you are and all that you do!"


Brooke Robertson 

Relationship & Sex Coach

"I worked with Case at the beginning of this year and to say that the work that we’ve done together has changed so many aspects of how I do business, but not only how I do business with my clients, but how I do business with myself how I handle myself and love myself within my business.

I've learnt just how interlocked business is with how I am actually doing right like learning how to check in with what’s going on in my atmosphere and then not only learning how to check what’s in my atmosphere, but understanding how that influences how I’m able to be in flow and work within my business.

Together we were able to set up a structure that made my business easier, now I want to be honest because I’m still learning how to actually implement everything that we worked on in the time. We worked together for three months, but I have a foundation that gives me the steps into creating a business that’s repeatable and I understand that that is extremely important now, we also spoke about what it what it was that I really wanted to create with my business what I really wanted to create within my life and different ways, both somatic and through different structures on how to get myself or to keep myself in alignment with all the things that I asked.

Case showed me how to really clear space for myself and while everything did not happen instantaneously, I didn’t just go from where I was to the top while working with her in this year but by implementing all the things that we worked on and talked about I have had one of the most successful years in my business, and I can feel I can feel the structure of my business, before it felt kind of like everything was a bit abstract, but I can feel the hug and comfort within my business because of the things that Casey has helped me to implement through her wisdom of understanding that everything touches everything and the way that she held space for me And the way that she helped me to learn how to hold space for myself in such a way that even in my hardest times I allowed myself to be in flow.

This was definitely one of the best investments I’ve made this year. I love you case."


Laniece Herron

Women's Self Love Coach

 "As someone who thrives in community, signing up to Embodied Business was a no brainer. The way in which Casey holds this container is both nourishing and limit pushing. Exactly what you need to put all those journaled dreams into action!

Prior to starting Embodied business I had so many plans rolling around in my mind of things I wanted to create and launch but each time I would try to do so I’d get stuck and could never understand why. 

Through Embodied Business Casey helped me to see that I in fact am not lazy, or crazy for wanting to go against the norm, like I would tell myself but instead had a fear of success. I was so damn scared of how my life would change and who I would be if I was able to make my dreams a reality. 

Casey helped me to create an actionable plan and really break it down so moving forward felt like a step instead of a leap. In the last 6 months I was able to launch The Wholistic Life Podcast (listen wherever you get your podcasts 🤣) and align my thoughts for the restructure and launch of The Wholistic Collective directory and upcoming marketplace. 

Not to mention the incredible friendships and conversations that have evolved and continue to even post EB. Forever grateful for this space that Casey so beautifully holds!”


Megan Ziscke

The Wholistic Collective

 This is your invitation to apply for the EMBODIED BUSINESS MASTERMIND. 

Why was this created?

Because after 3 years of helping business owners to EMBODY what they teach so their business can actually do what it is intended for, there was evidence this was needed on a BIG scale. 

I believe powerful women GET TO have a safe space to truly allow themselves to be seen and witnessed. 

We get to hold and nourish each other through implementation so that we can truly raise the collective- not to mention our bank accounts.   

I also believe in the power of being guided by a mentor that has walked all spaces of this lifestyle and who fully knows what it takes.

It's time to break the cycle of the "broke business owner".

It is time to truly stand in our gifts and be well compensated for it. We get to have a beautiful home life & business life. Our worlds get to come together. 

Who you be as a woman is not separate from how you show up as a business woman. 

Embodied Business is a NEW way of being. 

Claim your SPOT!

Hi, I'm Casey

I’m a Business Embodiment Coach and I help women unlock their full potential in business and relationships. Embodied Business and The CEO Week are my signature offerings. I’m also the host of The Embodied Business Show.

After running multiple businesses, my path led me to the world of coaching. Through coaching women in their leadership & relationships I build my business to a multiple 6 figure business in the first 12 months of going full time.

Within these 12 months, I also fell pregnant with my son. I had to learn how to juggle motherhood, an evolving relationship, a fast growing business, my finances and my new identity!

Almost 5 years later, a team behind me, I have the skills to get you in your ZONE OF GENIUS making BIG MONEY all while living the life you desire without sacrificing any of the important pieces.

And now I’m inviting you to join me in my world.

Have a look!
This is what you’re getting.

2 x 90 Minute Group Coaching Calls With Case Every Month

($10,000 value)

This is your opportunity to share where you’re at and receive hot-seat coaching from me on the exact personalised steps to move forward next.

We’ll cover everything from marketing, strategy, mindset, launching, sales leadership, relationships, motherhood and so much more.

You’ll also learn from your incredible Mastermind sisters – their wins, action steps and strategies recommended for their businesses.

The impact of these group sessions? Powerful beyond measure.

2 x 60 Minute Group Coaching Calls With Leila, Our Marketing Queen Every Month ($10,000 value)

These calls are focused on giving you the tools and know how to position your business powerfully, so you get where you need to be faster. These calls are a hybrid call, having a set theme each call so you can learn the things you would otherwise miss and also leaving room for personalized questions.

Monthly Tech Calls with Tania, Our Systems and Tech Guru
($5,000 value)

This call is for you to ask all questions Systems and Tech related. We get it - building the right tech systems for your business model can be challenging to navigate, so we have a dedicated space to unpack your pain points, sort out what your business needs and how to make it all seamlessly work together.

Monthly Somatic/ Breathwork Release workshops with Jai, Our Sensuality Coach
($6,000 value)

We totally understand how much building out your dream business can be taxing on your nervous system. Our goal is to equip you with the tools to continue to come back home to your body. This is the one call on our calender that is not recorded so you can truly dive into the sensuality of what is alive for you in the moment.

Bi Weekly Masterclass/ Energetics Reset with Case! ($6000 value) 

Coming in with FRESH topics, every other week to keep you accountable and up-to date with what is happening in the online world! 

Daily Coaching in Slack
($5000 Value)

I personally believe this is where the magic lies inside the container. You can ask your questions and be held when you need by the incredible women inside the container. 

Quarterly Group 2 hour Strategy Session
($3000 value)

Diving deep in the first week for clarity in your direction and to map out your first 90 day plan to help you truly gain traction on your desired outcome!

Embodied Business Library 

($25,000 Value)  

Ever wondered how to clean up your spaces energetically and also grow your business at the same time?

You’ll receive access to my training vault across my SIGNATURE PROGRAMS, hours of business-building (and soul-remembering), sales mastery, self leadership & coaching creation content to help you build the business of your dreams.

AND if your VIP we GO BIGGER

Monthly Money Chats Call with Dave our Financial Advisor

($10,000 value)

One of our biggest values inside Embodied Business is that YOU feel empowered in the structure of your business and how the money flows through it.

These calls are ran as a hot seat coaching with the opportunity to bring all your money/tax & accounting questions in.

2 Full days IMMERSION Experience

($5,000 value)

2 full days going all in on ENERGETIC EXPANSIONS FOR YOU and your BUSINESS. Walking away with tools, clarity for your next steps and of course your new portfolio of images to keep your brand FRESH. (If you cannot make this in person, you can do all sections of this except the brand shoot this virtually)

1 Full Day Group Branding Shoot
+ Wine & Dine

($2000 value) 

We love being able to bring together your vision to life, we also want to give it the time and space! Over this day we will capture YOU in your essence to bring to life what you have envisioned!

PS: If you’re not VIP and you want to attend these events, there is always a way!

A Community of Likeminded, Incredible POWERHOUSE Women 

This mastermind experience is so much more than just having me in your business and learning from me. You have my ENTIRE TEAM. There are 5 powerhouse people standing behind you supporting you in every way as well as the incredible women you will have in your corner with you to learn from, cheer you on and share your experiences with.

Meet the Team!

In Embodied Business you’ll get TONS of personalized support and expert guidance, not just from Casey but from her entire experienced team

Leila Andersson

Marketing Consultant

Leila is a marketing and business consultant who has had her own business for 9 years. Her journey started as a healing coach helping women heal and move through stress, burnout and trauma. Leilas own business success and corporate management background in marketing eventually led her to expand her services into helping hundreds of women in business such as coaches, healers and creatives launch and grow their own service based businesses. Leila also owns a publishing company and has published 2 books.

Leila lives in Sweden.

David Andrews

Business Advisor

David is an MBA qualified management consultant and business advisor with over 20 years of top tier commercial experience spanning projects across Australia, the US and Asia. He is passionate about the small and family business sector and specialises in bringing large enterprise strategy and growth tactics into the SME space.

David holds board positions with companies in NSW, QLD and Tasmania and is the CEO of a growing construction brand based on the Sunshine Coast. He holds an undergraduate business degree and an Executive MBA and is a former board member of the Food & Agribusiness Network and Regional Development Australia for the Sunshine Coast region.

Jai Drennan

Soul Sensuality Coach

Jai is a dedicated advocate for women's holistic well-being, specializing in sensuality, breathwork, somatic release and movement and Nervous System Regulation. With a deep passion for empowering women on their journey to self-discovery and healing, Jai creates a nurturing and safe space where individuals can explore and release emotional blockages, restore balance, and reconnect with their inner sensual goddess. 

 As a skilled Level 2 Breathwork Facilitator, Jai guides women through transformational breathing techniques that promote relaxation and release tension, and awaken inner vitality. Combined with somatic release practices, Jai supports clients in tapping into the wisdom of their bodies, facilitating the release of stored trauma and fostering a deeper mind-body connection.

Tania Hall

Online Business + Technology Specialist

Tania is an award nominated VA, OBM and small business owner herself. With a background in business, sports management and major event operations, Tania brings nearly 20+ years of management experience to Embodied Business.

From her time in the corporate landscape, Tania has developed a deep understanding of human resources, technical integration, marketing, operations and logistics and business management and she brings all of this to the Mastermind and more. Having now landed in the virtual space thanks to the lingering effects of Covid, Tania has found a place where she can combine her unique set of skills and help like minded business owners to drive their businesses forward.

Outside of her day to day role as a OBM, Tania and her partner Nick run a growing wedding stationery business, The Event Wanderer Co, so equally, she understands the pressures and challenges that small business owners (and women) routinely face.

All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Business and the life to match it!

If you are wanting to be held as you UPLEVEL and UPSCALE your business,

relationships and LIFE this is where to do it! 

Over $85,000 worth of value. 

 For you, this experience is yours starting from $1499 per month.

Why so much less than the value included?

Because I too started out with a mentor who made it possible for me to step into WEALTH. I know monthly payments need to be accessible at this stage of business, and while this price point is likely still a stretch, it’s far more achievable than making this a price point that completely prices most people out of the market. 

I want to see you win.

And yes, it could be a tad selfish, because every time you win, I WIN.

What you do for you, you do for me, you do for the ENTIRE FEMININE COLLECTIVE.


We all get to win together! 

Claim my Spot

This is for you if....

  • You're teetering on your next level (both energetically and financially) and want to be held strongly in your vision to ensure you can embody the uplevel
  • You're a thought leader in your industry and desire to make a noticeable impact in your space of expertise and for your clients
  • Your have a desire to create standout messaging pulling dream clients in and easily filling your programs
  • You want a well known brand & signature offering that is recognized with your target audience
  • You are a leader in your own right and desiring partners to bounce off and open up blind spots
  • You're sick of letting FEAR of failure or fear of success SABOTAGE your life and you keep blaming the outside world as to why you haven't got what you wanted.
  • You're inconsistent in your commitments to yourself, not able to uphold new habits or follow through with your intentions.  
  • You’re friendly and coachable.

This is probably not for you if: 

  • You are not willing to step outside your comfort zone 
  • You are “too busy at work” and are not willing to put yourself first 
  • You believe (and not willing to change the belief) that your life is the result of other people's behaviour
  • You are not willing to do the work in your own inner world to change the trajectory of your life 
  • You are not willing to take ownership of where you refuse to let people in.


Frequently Asked Questions

Unsure whether to say YES yet but still reading, still feeling the pull? 

I totally get that investing in your business when it hasn't YET made what you desire, can feel BIG and HEAVY.  You might even doubt if it is the right move for you. I’ve felt that every time I’ve hit a new upper limit in my business, so I truly know how you feel.

I also know that these investments are what allowed me the space to hold the capacity of the life I have now.

 For me, I had to truly commit to myself and know that everything I spent would come back to me 10 fold as I continued to say yes. 

I decided my success was the ONLY outcome. 

I invite you to lean into the reason as to why you are still reading. 

You already know what you desire. It is time to make moves in your world that allow it to come to fruition. 

Imagine your world 12 months from now, if you choose to go all in. 

You get to HOLD that and trust yourself enough to say YES!

Will you take the steps NOW to make your dreams a reality or will we be having the conversation of fear and doubt in another 12 months?

Listen to the pull, click the link below and allow your magic to unfold.

Hell yes I am in!

"If you want to work with someone who’s been there before you and can truly be a guide and mentor, Casey is your person.
I was looking to pivot my business, to not just understand the tools, but how to be in the next phase of my business and she delivered gentle and persistent guidance during our time together and beyond.
Casey really cares about her clients, she is someone I consider a confidante and I know that I’ll work with her again in future."

Vanessa Valencia
Business & Mindset Coach, Entrepreneur, and the creator of The Brave Journal

"Where do I even start with you case? Working with you had changed EVERYTHING for me. From my relationship, to my communication, the energy in my business, how I hold myself, my vision for my family and engrained self belief to keep breaking these damn glass ceilings!
What I love most about working with you is the results are tangible, you can see feel and taste them.
Money in the bank, Thriving clients, loving relationship and a feeling of self fulfilment. Everything touches and nothing needs to be sacrificed to have the other.
You are an absolute weapon and I so grateful to be back working with you again I already feel the change!"

Allessandia Montana
Coach/ Mentor - Founder of Cultivate your Confidence Retreats

"Case has a unique gift to be able to see through your BS and call you to a higher account then shifts quickly to hold you in your mess and move through what is coming up for you in your business or life for you to connect with what is true for you in this moment. This is such a powerful skill to experience and be able to trust that she can whole heartedly hold space for you whatever it is you are facing off with that is stopping you from being the best version of yourself is actually priceless!"

Alex Unscripted
Business Mentor & Money Mindset Coach